Hmmmm... Potentially this could be good :)
Heyyy Firebolt!
Long time no hear!
How was your half term? You got your exams?
Anyways the song... Haha
Intro is loooong till the main drums come in.
Umm, im not all that keen on the kick, maybe a different kick.
Quiet experimental sounds, that sweeping sound is nice, but you should spare it... after listening to the song quite a few times its getting quite a bit annoying.
Ummm i dont get the 2nd half. With that new synth sound. :S. It just sounds too random for me, and it doenst fit into the song i think. And especially the pattern its playing... just plain annoying/wierd.. i dont know what it is, i dont like it.
What i do like is the background warpy synth. Also the pingy pongy arp and the bass rocks :) If i were making this i'd take it in such a different direction! I'd keep a fair bit of it, maybe even that dodgy 2nd half synth and make the whole thing into an ambient song. Ambient is the way forward with this song :) some mellow strings and piano, but still keeping the tempo and main element of the song, but this brings me to the question of what u trying to aim for and achieve with this.
Its very experimental, and with experiments you either love it/hate it.
And its average atm. Could be awesome though :)
I do like your new wave of songs your making though! EXPERIMENTAL and RANDOM and DIFFERENT and UNIQUE is the way forward, and you seem to have definatley achieved that in all your 2009 songs :)
Bearing in mind all of this and its current state, i want to hear how it finishes!!!
Keep me posted :) Yousendit or mediafire! :)
Xeon out!
Piano Time!